Writing Services

Seeking to elevate your brand identity beyond the visual?
We offer writing services for artists and musicians, small business owners, content creators and individuals.

Biographies & Electronic Press Kits (EPKs)

Your 'About' page/section is a prospective client/audience's first port of call before contacting you.

We write personalized biographical content for small biz websites, social media, EPKs, and even your LinkedIn profile! Let's "wow" your audience!

Press Releases, Content & Copywriting

Writing is a strategic art.
Artists and brands need to work hard to stand out in oversaturated social media newsfeeds, applications and much more!
If you're looking to get your message across clearly and impactfully, we'd love to help.

Grant Writing

Applying for grants, scholarships or other funding and looking for a bit of help with sending a clear, targeted message?

Angela has secured over $65,000 in competitive funding and academic scholarships - she'll help make your application stand out!

black pencil on white paper

Strategic, personalized storytelling.

Biographies aren’t just for big names – there are plenty of practical circumstances where they’re necessary (or at very least come in handy)! You need a great biography curated for your target audience if you’re:

  • A musician, artist or other creative applying for festivals, showcases or special performances.


  • A freelancer or consultant seeking to attract clients through your website, or social media.


  • A working professional transitioning into a new career (think: LinkedIn profiles and CVs).


  • Applying for any type of funding – grants, scholarships, non-profit funding, for-profit funding and much more.


  • Promoting/advertising your work on your website – every brand benefits greatly from introducing the real, human faces behind them.


A great biography is key to tying together your overall brand identity. You can use them to spotlight the qualities that make you stand out above the rest, no matter what field you’re in.

We offer a-la-carte and package-based services, including electronic press kits (EPKs).

Convey your message - loud and clear!

Brand identity is for more than businesses – we all want to project ourselves in a desirable way to gain the right attention from the right audience. 

If you’re a small business owner, freelancer, or artist, you’ll know that you need to send a cohesive message that tells prospective collaborators/employers who you are and what you do best. To attract the right audience, you need to publish the right content!

We can help you with:

  • Social media content
  • Website and blog content
  • Electronic press kits (EPKs) for artists
  • Descriptive content to boost your brand, no matter the platform!
We also specialize in curated press releases for your next milestone. Whether it’s an album release, event, tour announcement or something else, we’ve got you covered.
person using keyboard beside phone and coffee cup

Boost your grant application's readability!

Grant writing is both an art and a science – we know from experience. A successful funding application is a delicate balance of concise, useful information that meets funding criteria, demonstrates that you’re doing something differently from other applicants and gives the adjudicators confidence in your ability to realistically complete your project.

Angela has successfully secured over $65,000 from competitive federal, regional and institutional funding competitions for her research projects and would love to help you see the same success.

Big presentation coming up?

As an academic, I (Angela) have seen my fair share of slide decks that were distracting, confusing and made me lose track of what the speaker was saying. 

We’re often overwhelmed with condensing our big ideas into a 15-20 minute presentation (while feeling those inevitable pre-presentation jitters) – it’s easy to get carried away and design a presentation that convolutes your important ideas. 

I’ve learned how to curate my own for a wide range of audiences both inside and outside the lecture hall. A great slide deck uses a logical flow, minimal text, complementary visuals and actively works to emphasize a presenter’s important ideas. 

At Lunar Ring, we provide presentation design services to suit all purposes. We’ll help design a presentation that fits the theme and topic using compelling graphics, balanced layouts and a logical flow to help convey your important work!

Angela knows her way around the written word. Having received her MA (Geography) from UCalgary in 2020, she was awarded over $65,000 in scholarships and grant funding to develop a comprehensive critical research project in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

You can find Angela’s thesis in University of Calgary’s thesis vault (here). She’s currently writing a peer-reviewed article disseminating a more condensed version of her work that engages critical technology studies, citizenship and informality. 

Beyond academia, Angela’s passionate about distilling complex ideas into clear, relatable content using creative writing and videography as her media of choice. 

Learn more about the faces of Lunar Ring here.